College Undergraduate Research Electronic Journal

If you want to learn more about the thesis process or have questions about the honors program, feel free to reach out to these individuals who successfully completed theses for the Class of 2017 and Class of 2016.


Abbie Starker, C’17 sends email)

Thesis Subfield: American Politics

Thesis Title: ​Let's Talk About Sex: Why the Topic of Sexual Violence Prevention Should be Prioritized in K-12 Sex Education


Anna Cho, C’17 sends email)

Thesis Subfield: International Relations

Thesis Title: Regional Organizations and Their 'Responsibility to Protect': A Comparative Analysis of the African Union's Role in Kenya and Cote d'Ivoire


Carly Roman, C’17 sends email)

Thesis Subfield: American Politics

Thesis Title: Hold the Presses: The Limitations of the Power of the Media in the 2016 Election


David Scollan, C’17 sends email)

Thesis Subfield: Comparative Politics

Thesis Title: State Security & Territorial Federacy: The Nature of Voluntary Political Union in the United Republic of Tanzania


Emma Montoya, C’17 sends email)

Thesis Subfield: American Politics

Thesis Title: In the Black: Organized Crime and the Business of Undocumented Migration through Mexico


Eryn Hughes, C’17 sends email)

Thesis Subfield: Politics and Gender

Thesis Title: Shattering the Hire Ceiling: Why Disproportionately Few Women are Partners at Large Law Firms


Jamie Brensilber, C’17 sends email)

Thesis Subfield: International Relations

Thesis Title: Mobilization in the Paris Commune of 1871


Peter Herbst, C’17 sends email)

Thesis Subfield: Comparative Politics

Thesis Title: Tearing Down the Tricolore: Integrating Anti-Imperial Armed Resistance in the French Colonial Empire into Contemporary Civil Conflict Literature 


Sarah Simon, C’17 sends email)

Thesis Subfield: International Relations

Thesis Title: Leviathan Lost: The Impact of State Capacity on Duration and Intensity of Civil Wars


Sophia Elliot, C’17 sends email)

Thesis Subfield: American Politics

Thesis Title: Explaining the Empty Booth: An Experiment in Candidate Traits and their Predictive Power on Youth Voter Turnout


Trudel Pare, C’17 sends email)

Thesis Subfield: American Politics

Thesis Title: When You Part of Section 8 and You Feel Like No One Can Relate: The Death of the American Welfare State and the Social Isolation of the Poor


Aidan McConnell, C'16

Email: sends email)

Thesis Subfield: Political Economy

Thesis Title: A Different Kind of Restructuring: Forty Years of Debate and the Prospect of a Formal Sovereign Debt Regime


Casey Libonate, C'16

Email: sends email)

Thesis Subfield: American Politics

Thesis Title: It's Always Sunny in America: Renewable Energy Policy and the Solar Economy


Clara Jane Hendrickson, C'16

Thesis Subfield: Political Theory

Thesis Title: Eurozone in Crisis: Liberal and Socialist Critiques


Jesse Yoder, C'16

Email: sends email)

Thesis Subfield: American Politics

Thesis Title: An Evaluation of the Effect of the Shelby County v. Holder Ruling on Polling Place Changes and Voter Turnout: Evidence From North Carolina


Jordan Dannenberg, C'16

Email: sends email)

Thesis Subfield: International Relations & Comparative Politics

Thesis Title: Civil Wars, Weapons, and Warriors: Why States Select Different Methods of Military Intervention


Laura Sorice, C'16

Email: sends email)

Thesis Subfield: American Politics

Thesis Title: Identity Politics and Offensive Speech: A Study of Public Opinion on Freedom of Expression


Lauren Shapiro, C'16

Email: sends email)

Thesis Subfield: Political Economy

Thesis Title: The Planner in Action: China's Influence as a Developing and Nonmarket Economy on the WTO


Sarah Baldinger, C'16

Email: sends email)

Thesis Subfield:  International Relations

Thesis Title: Lost and Won: A New Empirical Analysis of Economic Power Sharing


Sean Foley, C'16 

Email: sends email)

Thesis Subfield: Political Theory

Thesis Title: A Shield, Not a Sword: The Strict Scrutiny Standard of Judicial Review in the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act


Sonja Breda, C'16

Email: sends email)

Thesis Subfield: American Politics

Thesis Title: Understanding Our Own Cassandra: The Construction of Public Opinion and the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas Hearings


Yessenia Moreno, C'16

Email: sends email)

Thesis Subfield: American Politics

Thesis Title: DACA/DAPA and the Relational Conception: An Assessment of Inter-Branch Conflict Over Constitutional Authority in Immigration