Graduate Program

Welcome to the Graduate Program in Political Science

The Graduate Program in Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania reflects the methodological diversity of the discipline. The Department’s areas of strength include comparative politics and political economy; international political, economic, and military problems; the domestic politics and foreign relations of major powers and geographic areas, American politics and political development, political theory, and constitutional theory.

Courses in each field clarify important intellectual and conceptual issues affecting the formulation of research problems and objectives. The option of an individualized specialization makes available unusual opportunities for in- depth study of distinctive national experiences or aspects of political science not constituted as one of the Department’s standard fields. Courses in research methods provide students with the basic knowledge and proficiency required for the selection and application of appropriate research skills in each field of specialization.

The Graduate Program offers the Ph.D. degree. Candidates completing the Ph.D. degree follow careers in university teaching and scholarship, and in private or public research institutions.

Information about the interests of our faculty is available on our faculty web pages.  All students admitted to our program receive financial support from either a teaching fellowship or a research fellowship.  Continuation of financial support from term to term is contingent upon satisfactory academic performance and progress.  Individuals interested in applying to our Ph.D. program may read about the application requirements, deadlines, and admission policies on the admissions page.

Apply online by going to the online application(link is external).