Rudra Sil

Rudra Sil

Professor of Political ScienceSAS Director of the Huntsman Program


Ronald O. Perelman Center for Political Science and Economics, Room 301

Rudra Sil is Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania where he is also SAS Director of the dual-degree Huntsman Program in International Studies and Business. He received his Ph.D. from Berkeley before joining the Penn faculty in 1996.  His scholarly interests encompass Russian/post-communist studies, Asian studies, comparative labor politics, international development, qualitative methodology, and the philosophy of social science. Sil is currently working on a monograph titled The Fate of a Former Superpower: Russia’s Troubled Search for Relevance and Recognition in a Post-Cold War World (under advance contract, Cambridge University Press). He has previously authored, coauthored, or coedited eight books. These include two monographs – Managing ‘Modernity’: Work, Community, and Authority in Late-Industrializing Japan and Russia (2002) and Beyond Paradigms: Analytic Eclecticism in the Study of World Politics (2010), coauthored with Peter Katzenstein and honored as a CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title – and six co-edited books, including The Politics of Labor in a Global Age (2001), World Order After Leninism (2006) and, most recently, Advancing Comparative Area Studies: Analytical Heterogeneity and Organizational Challenges (in press).  His articles have appeared in a variety of scholarly journals, including Perspectives on Politics, Comparative Political Studies, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Theoretical Politics, Post-Soviet Affairs, Europe-Asia Studies, and Studies in Comparative International Development. The paper in Comparative Political Studies, coauthored with his former doctoral student Allison Evans, received the Dorothy Day Award for Outstanding Labor Scholarship. Sil is also recipient of multiple teaching awards, including the 2022 Ira H. Abrams Memorial Prize for Distinguished Teaching in the School of Arts and Sciences.

Office Hours
Spring 2025: Mondays 3-4
Research Interests
  • Comparative politics - development, labor politics, social movements, institutions & organizations
  • Area expertise: Russian/post-communist studies, Asian studies
  • International relations: general theory, US-Russia relations
  • Qualitative methodology: comparative-historical analysis, interdisciplinarity, philosophy of social science
Courses Taught
  • Comparative Politics of Developing Areas (PSCI 0101) 
  • Russian Politics (PSCI 1172 / 5172) 
  • Evolving Traditions in Comparative Politics (PSCI 7991)
  • Huntsman Program First-Year Seminar in Int’l Studies & Business (PSCI 0101)
Selected Publications

Books (selected)

Papers (selected)


CV (file)