Kameron Gonzalez


Ph.D. Student in Political Science

Kameron Gonzalez (he/him) is a graduate student in political science at the University of Pennsylvania, broadly studying political behavior and psychology in the context of American politics. Current research projects and interests include political networks in the workplace, U.S. public opinion of foreign affairs, social and economic perceptions, religion and politics, and issues of identity and threat perceptions. In general, Kameron’s research agenda seeks to understand how lived experience influences political attitudes and behavior.

Prior to joining the graduate program at the University of Pennsylvania, Kameron was a public sector-facing management consultant for several years, after previously completing several internships related to public policy. Given this background, he desires to bring a problem-solving perspective to scholarship (and higher education broadly), with an eye toward bridging basic scientific research and applied sociopolitical analysis.

Kameron is a member of the University of Pennsylvania Fontaine Society and was a 2023-24 Salvatori Graduate Fellow. He is a member of the Utah Valley University Alumni Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) Council, having previously served as the UVU Washington, D.C. Alumni Chapter president. He was also appointed for two years (2021-2023) to a local government commission tasked with advising local/regional policymakers on issues impacting low-income and historically disenfranchised residents.

Kameron holds a B.A. in political science from Utah Valley University (2016) and an M.A. in industrial and organizational psychology from Touro University Worldwide (2021).