Resources for Graduate Students


Professor Rudra Sil sits down with Associate Dean for Graduate Studies Beth Wenger to give students his best advice on how to approach Grad School.



Sources of funding

Selected sources of funding



 Nuts & Bolts of the Academic Job Search

with Dr. Rudra Sil, Dr. Alex Weisiger, and Dr. Fiona Cunningham

November 17, 2021

Those with Penn credentials can access the video here(link is external).


Exploring Non-Academic Career Options for PhDs

with Dr. Joseph Barber, Career Services, Senior Associate Director, Graduate Students & Postdocs

November 15, 2021

Your PhD experience has value across multiple career fields and industries, but you need to be able to communicate that value using different narratives for the different types of roles that you might find interesting. Career exploration covers multiple steps, including some self-assessment, online research, information gathering through networking, and then implementation of effective application and interviewing strategies. Join us for this lightning-fast workshop where an advisor for Penn Career Services will walk you through some of the steps you can be taking, and the online resources that you can be using, to explore career paths that align with your skills, interests, and values.


Further resources

These PhD-specific career development and exploration platforms include resources and support for faculty job applications and expanded career exploration: