Diana Mutz

Diana Mutz

Samuel A. Stouffer Professor of Political Science and Communication, Director, Institute for the Study of Citizens and Politics


Ronald O. Perelman Center for Political Science and Economics, Room 426

Diana C. Mutz, Ph.D. Stanford University, does research on public opinion, political psychology and mass political behavior, with a particular emphasis on political communication. At Penn she holds the Samuel A. Stouffer Chair in Political Science and Communication, and also serves as Director of the Institute for the Study of Citizens and Politics.

In 2021, she was elected to the National Academy of Sciences. In 2011, she received the Lifetime Career Achievement Award in Political Communication from the American Political Science Association. She was inducted as a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2008.

Mutz has published articles in a variety of academic journals including American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Public Opinion Quarterly, Journal of Politics and Journal of Communication. She is also the author of Impersonal Influence: How Perceptions of Mass Collectives Affect Political Attitudes (Cambridge University Press, 1998), a book awarded the Robert Lane Prize for the Best Book in Political Psychology by the American Political Science Association, and the 2004 Doris Graber Prize for Most Influential Book on Political Communication published in the last ten years. In 2006, she published Hearing the Other Side: Deliberative Versus Participatory Democracy (Cambridge University Press, 2006) which was awarded the 2007 Goldsmith Prize by Harvard University, the Robert Lane Prize for the Best Book in Political Psychology by the American Political Science Association, and the American Association for Public Opinion Research Book Award in 2019.

In-Your-Face Politics: The Consequences of Uncivil Media, was published by Princeton University Press in 2015.  It received the Best Book Award from the International Society for Political Psychology, in 2016 and the Doris Graber Prize by 2017 APSA Political Communication section.

Mutz also served as founding co-PI of Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences (TESS), an interdisciplinary infrastructure project that continues to promote methodological innovation across the social sciences (see www.tessexperiments.org(link is external)). Mutz and co-PI Skip Lupia received the Warren Mitofsky Innovators Award in 2007 for creating and implementing this ongoing project. She subsequently wrote Population-Based Survey Experiments (Princeton University Press, 2011) which offers the first book-length treatment of this method drawing examples from across the social sciences.

Her latest book is out in summer 2021 and is entitled Winners and Losers: The Psychology of Foreign Trade (Princeton University Press).

Before coming to Penn, Professor Mutz taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the Ohio State University.

Research Interests
  • Mass Media and Political Behavior
  • Public Opinion
  • Research Design
  • Political Psychology
Courses Taught
  • Public Opinion in American Democracy
  • Mass Media and Politics
  • Political Communication
  • Quantitative Methods of Political Inquiry
  • Political Psychology
Selected Publications


Selected Journal Articles:

  • "All Virtue is Relative: A Response to Prior," with Susanna Dilliplane and Seth Goldman. Political Communication, 2013, 30 (4): 635-653. (Read this article)
  • “US vs. Them: Mass Attitudes toward Offshore Outsourcing,” with Ed Mansfield. World Politics, 2013, 65 (04): 571-608. (Read this article)
  • “Televised Exposure to Politics: New Measures for a Fragmented Media Environment,” with Susanna Dilliplane and Seth Goldman.  American Journal of Political Science, 2012, 57(1): 236-248. (Read this article)
  • “The Great Divide: Campaign Media in the American Mind.” Daedalus, 2012, 141 (4) 83-97. (Read this article)
  • “Communication and Public Opinion: Plus Ça Change?” with Lori Young.  Public Opinion Quarterly, 2011, 75 (5): 1018-1044. (Read this article)
  • “The Friendly Media Phenomenon: A Cross-national Analysis of Cross-Cutting Exposure,” with Seth Goldman. 2011, Political Communication 28: 1, 42-66. (Read this article)
  • “The Dog That Didn’t Bark: The Role of Canines in the 2008 Presidential Campaign.” PS: Political Science and Politics, 2010, 43(4): 1-6. (Read this article)
  • “ Online Groups and Political Discourse: Do Online Discussion Spaces Facilitate Exposure to Political Disagreement?” with Magdalena Wojcieszak. Journal of Communication, 2009, 59 (1): 40-56. (Read this article)
  • "Support for Free Trade: Self-Interest, Sociotropic Politics, and Out-Group Anxiety," with Ed Mansfield. International Organization, 63, Summer 2009, 425-457. (Read this article)
  • Is Deliberative Democracy a Falsifiable Theory? Annual Review of Political Science, 2008, 11:521-538. (Read this article)
  • “Effects of ‘In-Your-Face’ Television Discourse on Perceptions of a Legitimate Opposition.” American Political Science Review, 2007, 101(4): 621-635. (Read this article)
  • “The New Videomalaise: Effects of Televised Incivility on Political Trust,” with Byron Reeves.  American Political Science Review, 2005, 99(1): 1-15. (Read this article)
  • "The Workplace as a Context for Cross-Cutting Political Discourse," with Jeffery Mondak. The Journal of Politics, Vol. 68, No. 1, February 2006, pp. 140–155. (Read this article)
  • "Social Trust and E-Commerce: Experimental Evidence for the Effects of Social Trust on Individuals’ Economic Behavior." Public Opinion Quarterly, 2005 69(3):393-416. (Read this article(link is external))
  • "Cross-Cutting Social Networks: Testing Democratic Theory in Practice." American Political Science Review, March 2002, 96 (2): 111-26. (Read this article)
  • "The Consequences of Cross-Cutting Networks for Political Participation." American Journal of Political Science, October 2002, 46 (4): 838-55. (Read this article)
  • "Facilitating Communication Across Lines of Political Difference: The Role of Mass Media," with Paul M. Martin. American Political Science Review, March 2001, 95 (1): 97-114. (Read this article)
  • "American Journalism and the Decline on Event-Centered Reporting," with Kevin G. Barnhurst. Journal of Communication 47.4 (Autumn 1997): 27–53. (Read this article)
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