Ian Lustick

Ian Lustick

Professor EmeritusBess W. Heyman Chair, Emeritus


Ronald O. Perelman Center for Political Science and Economics, Room 334

Website(link is external)

Dr. Lustick holds the Bess W. Heyman Chair in the Political Science Department of the University of Pennsylvania.  He teaches Middle Eastern politics, comparative politics, and computer modeling. He is a recipient of awards from the Carnegie Corporation, the National Science Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Social Sciences Research Council.  Before coming to Penn he taught for fifteen years at Dartmouth College and worked for one year in the Department of State. His present research focuses on the implications of the disappearance of the option of a negotiated “two-state solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and techniques of counterfactual forecasting. He is a past president of the Politics and History Section of the American Political Science Association and of the Association for Israel Studies, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.  Among his books are Arabs in the Jewish State (1980); For the Land and the Lord (1988, 1994); Unsettled States, Disputed Lands (1993); Trapped in the War on Terror (2006); and Paradigm Lost (2019).


 BOOK:  Paradigm Lost:  From Two-State Solution to One-State Reality(link is external)


www.ParadigmLostbook.com(link is external)

PS-I toolkit, Beta. For program, documentation, and source code: http://ps-i.sourceforge.net/(link is external)

The platform can also be found on the PS-I Agent-Based Simulation Toolkit website (Software developed in collaboration with Dr. Vladimir Dergachev).

Agent-Based Modeling - Papers and Publications (1998-2004); Papers and Publications (2010-2017)

"Discovering New Worlds(link is external)," Booklisti.  Nine Recommended Books.

“Opinion Articles and Public Appearances” 

"Must Every Golem Die?(link is external)Palestine/Israel Review, April 2024.

Interview about My Career and Coping with Pressures Related to Israeli-Palestinian Topics,(link is external) KPFA, May 4, 2024. (Minutes 6-10:30).

From Earthquake to Earthquake in the Middle East: Comparing 1973 and 2073(link is external),” Lecture and Discussion for the Centre for Mediterranean, Middle East and Islamic Studies, University of Peloponnese, Corinth, Greece, April 30, 2024.

Interview "How the War in Gaza Ends,"(link is external) An interview/podcast with Vox, Today Explained, January 18, 2024.

What Is Zionism?(link is external)” Podcast Interview, Martin De Caro. “History As It Happens.” April 29, 2024.

Sitting on the Third Rail: Studying Israelis and Palestinians, Then and Now,(link is external)” MENA Politics, Published by the Middle East and North Africa Section of the American Political Science AssociationVol. 7, no. 1 (Fall 2024) pp. 11-21

Article: History Tells Us How the Israel-Hamas War Will End(link is external)Time Magazine, Made by History, January 10, 2024.

Interview, October 23, 2023, Podcast History As It Happens:  "1948(link is external)" (The Israel-Hamas War in Historical Context)

Article: "Vengeance Is Not a Policy,"(link is external) FP, October 13, 2023.

Article: "What America's Civil War Can Teach Us About Israel's(link is external)," FP, March 26, 2023.

Interview: Heroes and Patriots, April 6, 2023, John Sakowicz and Mary Massey. Israel's massive protests and the One-State Reality.(link is external)

Presentation: (link is external)“Israel after Netanyahu:  Anchored in a One-State Reality,”(link is external) SMA Presentation, July 22, 2021.

Presentation: “The Perils of Sticky Rhetoric,” (link is external)SMA Presentation and Discussion, April 14, 2022.

Working Paper: "Israel and BDS: Reciprocal Mobilization, Strategy, Competition, and Wars of Position"

Article: “Israel after Netanyahu:  Anchored in a One-State Reality”(link is external)

Speaker Session: “Israel after Netanyahu:  Anchored in a One-State Reality”(link is external)

Article“Fieldwork and Emotion:  Three Stories”

Article"Why Does Annexation Look Like a Problem and Not an Opportunity?"(link is external) Logos (2020) Vol. 19. no. 2.

ArticleThe One-State Reality and the Real Meaning of Annexation(link is external),” The Link, Vol. 53 (Summer 2020).

InterviewThe One-State Reality to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict(link is external), Fair Observer, July 2020

Article: The One-State Reality: Reading the Trump-Kushner Plan as a Morbid Symptom, Arab World Geographer (Spring 2020) Vol. 23, no. 1.

Article: Israelis, Palestinians, and Americans: More Politics, Please, Less Process, Insight Turkey (Winter 2020)

Article: The Trump Administration Using Accusations of Anti-Semitism to Silence Criticism of Israel(link is external)Forward, November 29, 2019

Article: Time for a Paradigm Shift in Israel(link is external)Informed Comment, October 29, 2019

Article: The Last Time a Jewish State Annexed Its Neighbors, It Disappeared for 2,000 Years Foreign Policy, September 15, 2019

Interview: "Worlds Apart: Escape from reality?"(link is external) May 19, 2109.

Article: "Israel’s Massacre of Palestinian Civilians Should Spark Horror—and Action," The Nation, May 18, 2018. 

Interview: “After the U.S. Strikes Syria, What Next?” (link is external)Recording of NPR "On Point" interview with Melissa Block, April 16, 2018. 

Interview: “Eyes on Syria,”(link is external) Recording of NPR "On Point" interview with Emily Blunt, April 13, 2018. January 30, 2017. 

Lecture: “The Peace Process Carousel:  From Peacemaking to Pathology”(link is external), May 30, 2017.

Interview: "Protests, Confusion For Executive Order On Refugees(link is external)," Recording of NPR "On Point" interview with Tom Ashbrook, January 30, 2017.

Lecture:  “The Two-State Solution as a Degenerative Research Program,”(link is external) Lecture, Brown University, October 30, 2014. 

Debate:  "Two States or One:  The Future of Israelis and Palestinians(link is external),"  Ian Lustick, Jeremy Ben-Ami, Ahmad Khalidi, Yousef Munayyer, October 9, 2013.

Lecture: "Israel Needs a New Map," Transcript from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, D.C. February 26, 2013.

Dr. Lustick's "Agent-Based Identity Repertoire Model" for ABIR-28: PS-I Agent-Based Simulation Toolkit website. Featured in Terror Games By Jeffrey Rothfeder Popular Science(link is external), March 2004 Volume 264 #3.


University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D. 1976

University of California, Berkeley, M.A. 1972

Brandeis University, BA (1971)

Research Interests
  • Comparative Politics
  • International Politics
  • Agent-Based Modeling
  • Middle Eastern Politics
Courses Taught
  • The Arab-Israeli Conflict in International Politics
  • The Making of MOdern Israel and Palestine
  • Political Identities and Political Institutions (Graduate Seminar)
  • Hegemonic Analysis (Graduate Seminar)
  • Politics, Complexity, and Evolution (Undergraduate-Graduate Seminar)
  • International Relations of the Middle East: The Arab-Israeli Conflict (undergraduate)
  • International Relations of the Middle East: The Dynamics of Great Power Intervention (undergraduate)
  • Comparative Politics of the Middle East: Israel and Iran (undergraduate) 
  • Introduction to Comparative Politics (undergraduate)
Selected Publications

Selected Books

Selected Articles

Response from Jeffrey Kopstein / Response from Dan Michman et al / Response from Avinoam J. Patt / Response from Yael Zerubavel / Lustick response to comments


Selected Chapters in Edited Volumes


Council on Foreign Relations

American Political Science Association

Editorial Board, Palestine-Israel Review

CV (file)